.. _ref_user_guide_404_page: ******** 404 page ******** Because Sphinx does not create a 404 page by default, you can use the `sphinx-notfound-page `_ extension for 404 pages. While originally developed to be used with `Read the Docs `_, this extension can be used in other hosting services. For more information, see the extension's `documentation `_. Install the extension --------------------- Install and enable the ``sphinx-notfound-page`` extension with: .. code-block:: text python -m pip install sphinx-notfound-page Consider adding this extension to your ``requirements_doc.txt`` file. Add the extension to the ``conf.py`` file ----------------------------------------- After installing the ``sphinx-notfound-page`` extension, add it to your ``conf.py`` file: .. code-block:: python # Add the extension extensions = [ ..., "notfound.extension", ] Configure your 404 page ----------------------- You can use the default 404 page that the ``ansys-sphinx-theme`` package supplies or create and use a custom 404 page. Use the default 404 page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To use the default 404 page, you can use the ``generate_404`` function in the ``ansys_sphinx_theme`` module to create and use a custom cover page: .. code-block:: python from ansys_sphinx_theme import generate_404 # Configure sphinx-notfound-page notfound_context = { 'body': generate_404(, , , ) } .. _sphinx-notfound-page: https://sphinx-notfound-page.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html Create and use a custom 404 page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create and use a custom 404 page, do the following: #. Create a ``404.rst`` file next to the ``conf.py`` file. #. To suppress the spurious ``document isn't included in any toctree`` Sphinx warning, include the ``:orphan:`` attribute at the top of this ``404.rst`` file: .. code-block:: rst :orphan: Error 404 Not Found =================== The page you are requesting does not exist. #. Update the ``notfound_template`` variable in the ``conf.py`` to the location of your ``404.rst`` file: .. code-block:: rst # Configure sphinx-notfound-page notfound_template = "path/to/404.rst"