ansys-sphinx-theme autoapi extension#

Using sphinx-autoapi to generate API documentation#

sphinx-autoapi is a tool that automatically generates API documentation from your source code. It is a great way to keep your documentation up-to-date with your codebase.

The ansys-sphinx-theme includes a set of custom templates for sphinx-autoapi that is designed to match the look and feel of the rest of the PyAnsys documentation.

Dependencies required#

To use sphinx-autoapi with the ansys-sphinx-theme, you need to install the autoapi target of the theme. This can be done by defining your ansys-sphinx-theme dependency as ansys-sphinx-theme[autoapi] in your project’s requirements location.

For example, if you are using a requirements.txt file, you would define your dependency as follows:

If you are using a pyproject.toml file, you would define your dependency as follows:

# For a typical PyAnsys pyproject.toml file
doc = [

Configuring the Sphinx project#

To use sphinx-autoapi with the ansys-sphinx-theme, and benefit from the shipped templates, you need to add the following configuration to your Sphinx project’s file.

from pathlib import Path

from ansys_sphinx_theme import get_autoapi_templates_dir_relative_path


# Configuration for Sphinx autoapi
autoapi_type = "python"
autoapi_dirs = ["../../src/ansys"]
autoapi_root = "api"
autoapi_options = [
autoapi_template_dir = get_autoapi_templates_dir_relative_path(Path(__file__))
autoapi_python_use_implicit_namespaces = True
autoapi_keep_files = True
autoapi_own_page_level = "class"

The above configuration generates the API documentation for your package in the src directory and places the generated files in the api directory. These files are based on the ansys-sphinx-theme templates. If you want to customize some of the previous options, you can do so by modifying the configuration above. The line of code declaring the desired set of templates is the following one:

autoapi_template_dir = get_autoapi_templates_dir_relative_path(Path(__file__))

ansys_sphinx_theme_autoapi theme options and extension#

To use the autoapi along with the ansys-sphinx-theme, you need to add ansys_sphinx_theme.extension.autoapi to the extensions list in your file and set the ansys_sphinx_theme_autoapi theme options in the html_theme_options dictionary.

  • project: The name of the project.

  • output: The path to the directory where the generated files are placed. By default, this is set to the api directory.

  • templates: The path to the directory containing the custom templates for sphinx-autoapi. By default, this is set to the autoapi_templates directory in the theme package.

  • directory: The path to the directory containing the source code with respect to the file. By default, this is set to the src/ansys directory.

  • use_implicit_namespaces: If set to True, the autoapi extension use implicit namespaces. By default, this is set to True.

  • keep_files: If set to True, the autoapi extension keeps the generated files. By default, this is set to True.

  • own_page_level: The level of the page where the autoapi extension places the content of the class. By default, this is set to class.

  • type: The type of the autoapi extension. By default, this is set to python.

  • options: The options to pass to the autoapi extension. By default, this is set to ["members", "undoc-members", "show-inheritance", "show-module-summary", "special-members"].

  • class_content: The content of the class. By default this is set to class.

All these options can be set in the file of your Sphinx project.

html_theme_options = {
    "ansys-sphinx-theme-autoapi": {
        "project": "My Project",
        "output": "api",
        "directory": "src/ansys",
        "use_implicit_namespaces": True,
        "keep_files": True,
        "own_page_level": "class",
        "type": "python",
        "options": [
        "class_content": "class",

You need to add ansys_sphinx_theme.extension.autoapi to the extensions list in your file:

extensions = [

The complete configuration for sphinx-autoapi in your file should look like this:

html_theme_options = {
    "ansys_sphinx_theme_autoapi": {
        "project": "My Project",
        "output": "api",
        "use_implicit_namespaces": True,
        "directory": "src/ansys",
        "keep_files": True,
        "own_page_level": "class",
        "type": "python",
        "options": [
        "class_content": "class",

extensions = [