Sphinx AutoAPI#

To use Sphinx AutoAPI with the Ansys Sphinx Theme, you must add ansys_sphinx_theme.extension.autoapi to the extensions list in your conf.py file and set the ansys_sphinx_theme_autoapi theme options in the html_theme_options dictionary.

  • project: The name of the project.

  • output: The path to the directory where the generated files are placed. By default, this is set to the api directory.

  • templates: The path to the directory containing the custom templates for sphinx-autoapi. By default, this is set to the autoapi_templates directory in the theme package.

  • directory: The path to the directory containing the source code with respect to the conf.py file. By default, this is set to the src/ansys directory.

  • use_implicit_namespaces: If set to True, the autoapi extension use implicit namespaces. By default, this is set to True.

  • keep_files: If set to True, the autoapi extension keeps the generated files. By default, this is set to True.

  • own_page_level: The level of the page where the autoapi extension places the content of the class. By default, this is set to class.

  • type: The type of the autoapi extension. By default, this is set to python.

  • options: The options to pass to the autoapi extension. By default, this is set to ["members", "undoc-members", "show-inheritance", "show-module-summary", "special-members"].

  • class_content: The content of the class. By default this is set to class.

  • ignore: The list of directories to ignore. By default, this is empty.

  • add_toctree_entry: If set to True, the autoapi extension adds the generated files to the TOC tree. By default, this is set to False.

  • package_depth: The depth of the package. By default, this is set to 3. This is the namespace depth of the package. For example, if the package is ansys, the depth is 1. If the package is ansys.foo, the depth is 2.

All these options can be set in the conf.py file of your Sphinx project.

html_theme_options = {
    "ansys_sphinx_theme_autoapi": {
        "project": "My Project",
        "output": "api",
        "directory": "src/ansys",
        "use_implicit_namespaces": True,
        "keep_files": True,
        "own_page_level": "class",
        "type": "python",
        "options": [
        "class_content": "class",
        "ignore": [],
        "add_toctree_entry": False,
        "package_depth": 3,

You need to add ansys_sphinx_theme.extension.autoapi to the extensions list in your conf.py file:

extensions = [

The complete configuration for sphinx-autoapi in your conf.py file should look like this:

html_theme_options = {
    "ansys_sphinx_theme_autoapi": {
        "project": "My Project",
        "output": "api",
        "use_implicit_namespaces": True,
        "directory": "src/ansys",
        "keep_files": True,
        "own_page_level": "class",
        "type": "python",
        "options": [
        "class_content": "class",

extensions = [